September 22, 2005

Just Don't Build It Here

I like Jeff Jarvis, I don't always agree with him on many issues; either I'm too far to the right on some or he is too far to the left. Having said that, I admire the heck out of his writing skills and this piece is absolutely amazing. Go, read, reflect then drop him a comment. Do Not Build It. Not Here!

Info Theory

Posted by GM Roper at September 22, 2005 07:13 PM | TrackBack

Excellent post. Gosh, I hope they don't build it, or I swear I will never go to NY again. Here's what I wrote to the Gov and Mayor:

Why do you hate me?

When I look at the proposed IFC and Drawing Center at the World Trade Center site, I must surmise that you and the committee, yes, must hate me. I am a liberal American, educated, and politically aware. Yet I do not fault our country for the attacks on 9/11. Many university professors, however, and media commentators and political operatives--all of whom involved in the IFC and Drawing Center--do blame the U.S. for this and for every ill in the world. If you enshrine this hate at the WTC, you will be telling the world that you hate yourselves and the people who were murdered there. The terrorists will have won.

Move the IFC and Drawing Center somewhere else. How about Chelsea Pier?

Posted by Patricia at September 22, 2005 08:10 PM

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