August 29, 2005

Guard Our Borders!

Lou Dobbs had it right on the money when he said, "We are a nation of immigrants, and there is no more diverse and welcoming society than ours. But we are first a nation of laws, and upholding those laws and our national values makes this great country of ours possible."

What happens if we do not uphold those laws? Dobbs goes on:

Failure to secure our borders means that we will continue to lose the war on drugs and lose a generation of Americans to those drugs. It also means the crushing burden of our failed immigration and homeland security policies will continue to fall exclusively on the shoulders of working men and women. Not only do illegal aliens and those who employ them cost the nation tens of billions of dollars in social services, principally in health care and education, they also depress wages for American citizens by an estimated $200 billion a year.
[Note: The following was written by Mustang, a retired Marine officer who blogs at Social Sense. This is reprinted in full with his gracious permission]

The number of Americans who believe that our borders should be secure from illegal entry is overwhelming. Not everyone agrees, obviously, but those who argue for open borders mostly represent organizations that have a peculiar agenda. Of those who demand (although not too loudly) a secure border, there are essentially two camps: One group worries about our security in light of terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, and the other group voices concern over the economic implications of illegal immigration.

I have had a number of conversations with close friends on the subject of immigration gener­ally, and on the issue of securing our nation from those who would do our people harm. Even those who support President Bush seem to disagree with his view that people coming here illegally, no matter the point of their origin, are simply looking for work. As evidenced by the amount of attention this issue is getting nationally, however, the problem is not restricted to border-states. People throughout the entire country seem genuinely angry that our government lacks the will, or the resources, to halt the influx of people who come here illegally.

The issue of illegal immigration generates emotional rather than thoughtful debates among the so-called talking heads of our national media. Screeching at one another on national television does not bring to the table thoughtful discussion or reasonable solutions to the problem. In the first place, most people do not understand the implications of illegal immigration, including the politicians whose job it is to frame laws, and provide funding for the enforcement of those laws.

The task of problem-resolution appears to fall into three stages: (1) Determine the true affect of illegal immigration, (2) Discover reasonable solutions, and (3) Implement programs that do not demean people of other ethnic groups or nationalities.

In spite of the fact that current statutes prohibit the employment of military forces in the pursuit of civil law enforcement duties, it may be time to reconsider such prohibitions. America's open border presents a real and present danger to the people of the United States in any number of ways, not the least of which might involve the illegal entry of Middle Eastern terrorists. In fact, at least one terrorist has been arrested, a female; it is not unreasonable to wonder how many others evaded arrest or detention. Discounting terrorists, however, Americans are harmed by “illegals” who perpetrate crimes against persons and property in the United States, and do so with some impunity.

Criminal activity along the border, according to this article, is getting out of hand. The federal government's unwillingness to address this problem is causing harm to American citizens, and of course it is the local taxpayer who has to defray the costs of increased local policing. It is little wonder that citizens have formed local groups to augment police departments, but that may not be enough. Contrary to Mr. Bush's position, these people are not vigilantes, but they could be if something isn't done — and soon.

There are also good arguments that illegal immigrants pose a significant economic danger to the United States. A source of information and discussion on this topic can be found at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). Among a wide range of issues, FAIR provides specific economic information relative to illegal immigration, breaking those costs down state-by-state. One might conclude, based on the data provided by FAIR, that the costs of doing a poor job in protecting America’s borders far outweigh the costs of hiring more law enforcement or border patrol officers.

For more on this topic, check out Kleptocracy to the South — a good read. The bottom line, folks, is that until citizens are fully informed about the ramifications of doing nothing, Americans cannot approach the three-step mentioned above to resolve this problem. It’s your country, dear reader, and the choice is yours — but Social Sense demands your involvement.

Posted by GM Roper at August 29, 2005 04:49 PM | TrackBack

This past school term, my debate class struggled with the following resolution:
Resolved: That the U.S. immigration policy should be substantially changed.

The facts which the students uncovered were astounding, and many are mentioned here in this blog article: crime stats, lost tax revenues, the burden on the school system, etc. FAIR was one of the evidence sources used in the debate.

Local police do sweet little about illegals, even when the statutes are in place for them to do so. I see no alternative other than military involvement at our borders.

Furthermore, it appalls me that illegals can obtain medical benefits which taxpaying citizens cannot. My husband and I discovered this fact when he had to have brain surgery--nearly broke us because we had COBRA benefits at the time.

Just visit any ER in any metropolitan city--immigrants (legal and otherwise) are getting medical treatment regardless of ability to pay. Some of my ER doctor friends tell me that many illegals give false addresses, and there is no hope of collecting payment in such cases.

Mahdi Obeidi, author of The Bomb in My Garden, has warned us that the U.S. borders are porous. He believes that, sooner or later, some kind of nuclear device will slip across and be detonated here within the United States. If such a thing happens, the world order could indeed be changed.

Our border security should be a priority. Is it?

Posted by Always On Watch at August 29, 2005 05:06 PM

A good post, GM. As one who lives in the second largest Spanish speaking city in the world (behind Mexico City), this subject hits home.

I'm not at all opposed to to having the military being involved in the control of our borders. There really is no other way.

Ultimately, the only solution is for Mexico to overthrow their long legacy of corruption at the top, and develop a working economy. Of the billions of dollars American banks have made to the country, how much as been siphoned off by a thieving government?

Also wouldn't be a bad thing to overcome Catholic dogma about birth control, IMO.

These things won't happen in our lifetime, but it's nice to dream.

Posted by jim hitchcock at August 30, 2005 01:51 AM

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