August 27, 2005
Bush Gets Kicked In The Shins - Again!
I support the President, but not uncritically. I support the global war on terror and against the Islamic fascists who preach and practice terror. I support conservative causes in general and am pro-life. What I do not understand is how often George W. Bush has to be kicked in the shins before he figures out that it hurts! From Yahoo comes this tidbit:
CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President George W. Bush put pressure on the Palestinians on Saturday to respond to the Israeli pullout from Gaza and portions of the West Bank by cracking down on terrorism.“Now that Israel has withdrawn, the way forward is clear. The Palestinians must show the world that they will fight terrorism and govern in a peaceful way,†Bush said.
“We demand an end to terrorism and violence in every form because we know that progress depends on ending terror,†Bush added in his weekly radio address."
In this case, Bush reminds me of none other than Charlie Brown and Lucy. "Here Charlie Brown, I'll hold the football and you kick it a mile."
Every fall, Shultz would tease us with that one, every concession, the Pali's tease us with controlling the terrorists in their midst.
President Bush, if Hamas or others begin to operate terror campaigns from Gaza, will you be in favor of wiping them out, or do you need to have your shins kicked a few more times, the football yanked away a few more times?
UPDATE: Pali's fire rockets into Israel from GAZA OK, Mr. President, your response is?
Click the "continue reading" button immediately below for an example of the humanity of the Palistinians... And those who believe that all cultures are equal: "Kiss my grits." WARNING, GRAPHIC DEPICTION FANATIC PORNOGRAPHY
That is just WEIRD. Sometimes I think I live in another universe and I'm hearing news from an alien planet.
Posted by Cao at August 27, 2005 05:03 PM
Charlie Brown was the eternal optimist. This was exhibited by his enthusiasm at the beginning of each baseball season with his dreams of winning a game. Bush has similar enthusiasm for peace. But, radical groups reject peace and continue to foster terrorism, and the U.N. stands by uselessly. I'd rather have a beagle fielding in the outfield than the U.N. chattering nonsense from the dugout. There's always next year, but I'm continually disappointed from the lack of help from the rest of the world. Each time they criticize us instead of the terrorists, it leaves me with the simple reaction of "Good grief."
Posted by Woody at August 27, 2005 05:22 PM
Hamas is bolstered by the continued stupidity of the UN commission on human rights, the subject of my most recent post at Social Sense. IMHO, the UN has far outlived its usefulness. Rather than finding its way to the Arab peoples of this region, the billions of dollars provided to the PLO has been spent on munitions that support the terrorist agenda. This must stop, which suggests the utter destruction of Hamas and its sister organization Hezbollah.
Posted by Mustang at August 27, 2005 10:28 PM
So Sharon has taken a massive political gamble. He has shortened his lines so Israel is more easily and cheaply defended. And now, we wait. If the Gaza populace and the terrorists among them continue with terrorist attack (mortars, rockets, et al), I believe the Israelis will reply ten fold.
The rest of the world will, per usual, blame the victims. The UN will blather and not do anything. The Arab nations will continue to fund the terrorists.
I grow weary of dealing with lying bastards. Culture be damned. We should tighten the noose on their "leaders". Make their lives really, really spartan. Make them sweat. Make them know that things really are going to get worse and worse and worse if they don't climb on the Democracy Express and stop making trouble when they've no justifiable cause for it.
Posted by tad at August 28, 2005 10:06 AM
Of all the past Prez's I dislike this one the least. Let's face it, it's a hell of a tuff job. Every word is analyzed and most of what you say comes from the filters of your advisors. This Prez does seem to speak for himself from time to time, like when he corrected his administration reminding them it was a "War on Terror" not some wussy struggle against some folks.
Now all that having been said, Bush is a politician. One of the more likable ones in recent years. But he has a lot of baggage to include a fuzzy altruistic view of the world and no concept of individualism or individual rights. But geez! Look at where he went to school :)
Posted by NOTR at August 28, 2005 12:52 PM
Is that a real child? I feel so sorry... AND WHY THE H-E-DOUBLE-HOCKEY-STICK IS SHE SMILING!?!?!
Posted by Unknown at January 16, 2006 12:14 AM
hey someone tel me wats that,so cruel,wat connection child abuse has with that real picture or articulted,if articulated then plz. dont put such stuff on net.if real,Almighty save the earth and help his creation,the mankind,not just the victims but the culprits as everyones deeds reciprocate in full measure,hope d message reaches to all into all this.
Posted by namrata at January 21, 2006 01:45 PM
Posted by Catrina at March 24, 2006 11:25 PM