August 18, 2005
Baseball Wars
...UPDATED, and Updated Again
It's been a week. Does anyone think that G.M. will look back and see this change? Nope. It's been a few more days and he never saw this. I guess the Braves came out on top! --Woody

Judging by the number of comments on the last entry here Quite a number of readers (and Woody) are die-hard baseball fans. And that is as it should be.
I'm known to be a major fan of the Boston Redsox World Champions 2004. But if the truth be known, I'm really in support of two teams:
1. The Boston Redsox
2. Any team playing the NY Yankees.
In honor of my beloved readers, this post is just about baseball and comments should be limited to baseball. In particular, three teams; The Red Sox (for GM), The Atlanta Braves (for Woody) and any other team the readers prefer.
This is an exciting season, with ups and downs and all arounds for everyone. The Sox are up and the Braves are up in their respective East Coast divisions, and our good friend Jim's Dodgers are down, as befits any team crass enough to leave Ebbets Field ;-)

At any rate, comment to your heart's content. Baseball Rules!!!
UPDATE: Good try Woody.... LOL (Woody tried to put the Braves logo ABOVE the Red Sox logo) Close, but no cigar!
Posted by GM Roper at August 18, 2005 09:09 AM | TrackBackTry as I might, and despite a brief period of intense interest in the Angels during the 2002 WS (mainly because they were playing the Giants), I've never been able to get excited about any American League team. Mainly has to do with growing up with the Dodgers, and Vin Scully.
But I really do like to watch the Yankees get humbled. Pinstripes groveling in the dirt? That I can watch with glee.
Heard the other day that the new Mets stadium will be built to remind of Ebbetts Field. Cool!
Posted by jim hitchcock at August 18, 2005 11:02 AM
As a diehard Cardinals fan, I have to agree; anybody but the Yankees!
Posted by Tim Birdnow at August 18, 2005 01:07 PM
Jim, when I was a kid in Germany, in 1955 I was with my dad listening to a ball game. I don't remember both teams but one of them was the Dodgers. I asked dad why he was rooting for the Dodgers and he said "I always root for the underdog in a game."
Over several games we listened together and when the Armed Forces Radio Network played the Dodgers and someone else, I always rooted for the dodgers. Same for '56 and early in the season in '57. Then we came home stateside
While briefly in New York, dad took me to a Dodgers game at Ebbets Field and it was the thrill of my life. Later, when the dodgers moved to LA I was still a fan, especially through the Sandy Koufax years and into the mid seventys... then I kinda got away from baseball and the Dodgers.
When my wife and I got married, she was a die hard Red Sox fan and I began rooting for the Sox myself. They are contageous and for 6 years, I watched them get high, but lose to a few and then in '03, got creamed by the Yankee's. '04 made up for that and though my team is now the Red Sox, there is still a little place in my heart for the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers!
Posted by GM Roper at August 18, 2005 01:12 PM
Well you in Sox nation owe my team a big one so far this year...we always lose to teh Sox, but we've been beating the Yankees; in fact I think the Yankees have yet to take a series from us.
That's right, give it up for the team of the future (the future being a relative term; with our sorry ownership it will probably never come) the TAMPA BAY DEVIL RAYS.
I know, I know, but they're the home team. And I believe they are 9-5 against the Yanks this year.
Posted by Scott at August 18, 2005 02:25 PM
Scott will be happy to know that the DRays have been getting their due over at DodgerThoughts this season, for the reason he names :)
Posted by jim hitchcock at August 18, 2005 02:40 PM
Speaking of baseball and politics, did you see this?
Orioles First Baseman Rebuffs Press Corps With Spirited Denials
Rafael Palmeiro, the first baseman for the Baltimore Orioles who was suspended by Major League Baseball after testing positive for steroids, stunned the worlds of baseball and politics alike today by retiring from his sport to become the new White House press spokesman.
More at>
Posted by Woody at August 18, 2005 05:13 PM