July 19, 2005

Zero Casualties at Student- Marine Event - Principal Relieved (or should be)

Last month a Marine returning from Iraq was tossed out of a middle school by a principal who claimed that she was concerned for "the safety and welfare of our children." This Marine had requested and been invited to meet and thank the students who had written him. Because of this school principal, the event was moved off of school property--and, guess what. The students met with this Marine and his fellow Marines and no one was killed or maimed! In fact, they look pretty happy to me. Thank goodness the fears went unfounded.

Students Honor Marine.bmp

By looking at the picture, one might conclude that the community disagreed with the school decision by 1,000 to 1--with the one being the principal. As a principal she may be relieved; and now, maybe, she should be relieved as the principal. (For having bad principles?).

Posted by GM Roper at July 19, 2005 12:00 PM | TrackBack

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