July 09, 2005
Linkers of the Revolution - Unite, Lift the Chains From Your Consciousness!!!!
Joe Carter at Evangelical Outpost thinks we need to raise our consciousness because Live 8 is doing something, even as Bob Geldolf said, "Something must be done, even if it doesn't work."
I don't have a real problem with the Live8 music fest, I kind of hope that they have an effect (though so far they really haven't had much of an effect. But that is due to those nasty governments of Zimbabwe, Sudan, etc. - not the fault of the feel gooders) But this appears in the Contra-Costa Times:
According to the New York Times, the concerts included more than 200 musical acts scheduled to play more than 69 hours of music. Organizers said 5.5 billion people would be able to watch or listen on the Internet and more than 182 television stations and 2,000 radio networks and stations. Coldplay’s Chris Martin called the concerts "the greatest thing that's ever been organized, probably, in the history of the world."So, I hereby proclaim that I will raise my personal consciousness regarding moonbattyness with a view to finding a cure.

1. Raise your consciousness.
2. Show others that you have raised your consciousness by linking to this post and displaying the Official Logo of LotR on your blog (see above).
3. Tell the world exactly what it is you are raising your consciousness about (it can be anything you want).
4. Use your raised consciousness to exert political pressure on the G8 summiteers.
5. Feel good about having participated in an action that, while not having actually affected anything, has allowed you to be part of the greatest thing that ever been organized – probably -- in the history of the world.
As Geldolf said, "Something must be done, even if it doesn't work." Oh, that makes me feel better Geldolf...
Posted by GM Roper at July 9, 2005 09:24 PM | TrackBackLet 'em feel good with their own money. But, I don't like the idea of them feeling good with money from taxpayers, such as the billions wasted on an outdated transportation system--AMTRAK. If they want to feel good on tax money, let's do something cheaper--like give them passes to Six Flags.
Posted by Woody at July 11, 2005 07:46 AM