July 02, 2005
The Next Supreme Court Justice.... GM's Corner Has The Answer!!!
There seems to be a lot of concerns from the Democrats regarding who President Bush will nominate to fill the vacancy created by the resignation/retirement of Justice Sandra Day O'Conner. They (the Dems.) want to be consulted so that the next Justice won't be a radical, will support abortion on demand (while at the same time saying [out of the other side of their mouths] they don't have a litmus test) and one that doesn't make them reach for the "extra-ordinary circumstances." Too, they want a moderate or preferably a liberal with a cherry on top.
Well, GM, your purveyor of truth, justice and the American way has the answer. The next Justice should be picked from the following list:
1. Hillary Clinton"Wait a minute GM, are you OUT OF YOUR COTTON PICKIN' MIND? Those are ALL 100% LIBERAL Democrats" I can hear all of my conservative brethren now.
2. Ted Kennedy
3. Harry Reid
4. Dick Durban
5. Barrak Obama
6. Joseph Biden
7. Barbara Boxer
8. Christopher Dodd
9. Russell Finegold
10. Dianne Feinstein
11. James Jeffords
12. John Kerry
13. Frank Lautenburg
14. Patrick Leahy
15. Barbara Mikulski
16. Patty Murry
Heck no.... first we villify them in committee, bring up everything they have ever written, every thought, every pseudo-scandel, every grocery list from 1968, every social faux pas, every skeleton in every closet of everyone they are related to, then as soon as they get to the floor for a vote, 55 Republican Senators stand up and announce that this is an extra-ordinary circumstance and Phill-E-Buster.... Then let the President make a recess appointment of a real conservative over the Labor Day holliday. Simple huh? Effective in showing the obstructionists for exactly what they are? You Bet!
Posted by GM Roper at July 2, 2005 09:49 PM | TrackBackThat would only work if the Republicans had a backbone.
Posted by Woody at July 2, 2005 10:41 PM
GM, How did you miss Schumer or Rangel? Well, this in one of the more clever ideas to hit the political scene since the Eyetalian guy.
Posted by tad at July 4, 2005 12:26 AM