June 22, 2005
Dandy Dick Durban Becomes Dick Durban (D. Ill) - Nah!
Gosh folks, I've had many arguments in my time with what I characterize as the looney left, the barking moonbats, etc. I've recently been castigating Durban for his comments and everyone who disagrees with me says either Dick didn't say what Dick obviously said, or that he didn't mean what he obviously meant. I've been linked to by that terrific lefty type site Preemtive Karma (a well written site despite their politics) I've been castigated for questioning the conservatism of Andrew Sullivan and I've been accused of being a wingnut. Gee! All of that because I think that Dick Durban was over the top.
Well, guess what, Considering he spent almost a week saying he wasn't going to apologize, the suckah apologized for his remarks.
Now, if you didn't say any thing wrong, if you have been on record defending what you said as right and courageous and on the mark, why would you say:
"I made reference to Nazis, to Soviets, and other repressive regimes. Mr. President, I've come to understand that's a very poor choice of words."Or, why would you say:
"I'm sorry if anything that I said caused any offense or pain to those who have such bitter memories of the Holocaust, the greatest moral tragedy of our time. Nothing, nothing should ever be said to demean or diminish that moral tragedy."Or why would you say:
"Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line," the Illinois Democrat said. "To them I extend my heartfelt apologies."Let alone:
His voice quaking and tears welling in his eyes, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate also apologized to any soldiers who felt insulted by his remarks. [emphasis added]"They're the best. I never, ever intended any disrespect for them," he said. [emphasis added]
Maybe even Dandy Dick recognized he had committed a major faux pas!
Unfortunately, by apologizing, those that truly believe the crap that Durban uttered are now pissed at him. He was their hero for making the remarks, now he is a wimp (according to Kevin at Preemptive Karma) for backing down and apologizing.
Nah, that can't be it, all my lefty friends and acquaintences say I'm the one who is wrong.
Hah! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Update: Many others are on this story too. Here are a few and many others that I've missed... go find them. Apology not Accepted, The Left's Word Deficit, Dick Durban and Our Post-Patriotic Elite,
Soldiers of Allah, Dick Dean Apologizes... So can't we all just get along?
Update: I want to thank everyone for making this site second only to Al J. in the search results for this yoyo.
The best thing about Durbin's apology is that it annoyed the lunatic leftist fringe.
The worst thing is that is was a pathetic non-apology. Durbin is still a worthless and perfidious defeatist, but now he has added spineless to his descriptive lustre. At a time when we should be trying to demonstrate some degree of fortitude for the benefit of the WORLD audience, this third rate ignoramous decides that it would be a good thing to sob in public while making a non-apology(if I offended some people,although I clearly couldn't foresee how that could have happened, until Richard Daley set me straight, I am sort of sorry,and to proove it here are a few tears) for his revolting remarks.
He was a disgrace before; now he is a whiny, weaselly,WEAK, disgrace.
Great example of the 'US' WILL to FIGHT I'm sure. No wonder power has shifted to the Presidency and that the Senate is merely an obstructive self-admiration society. This whole affair from start to finish is tawdry in the extreme.
Posted by dougf at June 22, 2005 11:46 AM
Damn dude...second to AL J.
You rock....
Aww shucks!!!!
Well, of course I do.... it's my nature!!! LOL
Posted by Kender at June 22, 2005 01:41 PM
From a war supporter on Durbin's wilting in the face of attack:
Posted by steve at June 23, 2005 04:41 AM
"Mr. Rove said American armed forces overseas were in more jeopardy as a result of remarks last week by Senator Richard J. Durbin"
This is calculated insanity and precisely why Durbin shouldn't have "apologized" but should have simply told these idiots to deal with the substance of his comments, not his rhetorical devices. Rove should apologize to Durbin for making such a vicious, patently false, absurdly partisan assault. What a flaming Beltway slut.
Posted by reg at June 23, 2005 08:06 AM
"Mr. Rove said American armed forces overseas were in more jeopardy as a result of remarks last week by Senator Richard J. Durbin" ---as kindly quoted by Reg.
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. How exactly does making the at least arguably true point that what(objectively) aids the enemy by UNFAIRLY demonizing the 'non-enemy', make someone a "Beltway Slut"?
Geez this 'questioning of patriotism' thing really does hit hard does it not? Perhaps, instead of complaining when that dog finally bites, it might be a preferrable idea for those on the receiving end of such insinuations to actually engage their brains before opening their opportunistic, clueless mouths.
Especially if they happen to be in the US Senate, are speaking to a WORLD audience, and there happens to be (say-- what do you call that thing where YOUR troops are actively fighting an ENEMY overseas on behalf of their country. Oh Yeah--) a WAR going on.
Posted by dougf at June 23, 2005 03:45 PM