June 07, 2005

Newly Discovered Blogs

I was surfing through links to my blog via Technorati and came across The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill - A Common Man Looks At The War On Islamic Terror.

The site is written by Pierre Legrand... how about that, a FRENCHMAN who is pro-america. Actually, his name is French; he is 100% American from Baton Rouge, La. My beloved grandfather used to be the Minister at 1st Methodist, rebuilt in 1960 as Canal Street Methodist Church in New Orleans, La, so I'm comfortable with the French name. ;-)

Pierre is a multi-talented fellow and from his profile, anyone who likes Mozart, Jefferson Airplane AND The Who has got to have an interesting life.

His blog is taut, well written. His politics are conservative, and that is reason enough to link to him.

Go read his blog, you'll enjoy it!!!

Posted by GM Roper at June 7, 2005 02:17 PM | TrackBack

when you say Pro-American GM, does that mean pro-your political perspective?

Posted by steve at June 7, 2005 02:51 PM

No Steve, I meant Pro-American. I assume that you too are Pro-American, even if you don't see America in the same way that I do. You will find Steve, that I usually say exactly what I mean. The last blog I highlighted was The Protrusion a decidedly liberal/progressive site, but I liked it and I suggest my readers try out where I send them. They don't have to go, or even go again, but they ought to try... The blogosphere is so huge that no one person can take it all in. That's why I do the Newly Discovered Blogs piece anyway.

Cheers, and go Red Sox ;-)

Posted by GM Roper at June 7, 2005 03:31 PM

hang on here, how am I to distinguish 'pro-american' from 'anti-american' in terms of the french?
For example, if they think the US should leave Iraq and should not have invaded Iraq are they 'anti-American' French? Please advise.

Posted by steve at June 7, 2005 03:39 PM

Steve, the French as a nation are not Anti-American because of their view on Iraq. They are Anti-American because they simply are. They have only been our "friends" during WWI and WWII, and for perhaps a few years after each. Then they went right back to hating us. Part of the hatred is, in my belief, because we are an upstart colony of the Brits, that displaced them, the Brits, and the Spaniards as the dominant power in the world. We also bested them in two wars, helped the Brits against them, and didn't grovel sufficiently after we PAID insane amounts of money to them for THEIR help against the British in the Revolutionary War.

Posted by Unit76 at June 8, 2005 10:56 PM

Unity, that's very old history. I don't know who the 'we' and the 'they's are, but France and American capital have been quite close and mutually supportive. French foreign policy has looked out for its own, but never treaded too greatly against American foreign policy. The idea that the French government has every been particularly anti-American is a matter of great hyperbole. Even in the case of Iraq, their opposition was primarily a disagreement over how to accomplish the same objectives, namely the overthrow of Saddam and the privatization of Iraqi oil assets. Different strategies, same neo-liberal goals.

Posted by steve at June 10, 2005 10:35 PM

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