May 09, 2005
Photo Seen Around The World
This photo was shown by me a few posts ago (scroll down) but I didn't know where it came from, although the original posting was at Little Green Footballs and I picked it up from someone who picked it up from them. Then, I get a comment from a reader who has his own blog called Ex Scientia, Veritas - From Knowledge, Truth written by Dr. Michael Miller. Dr. Miller had decided to limit his blogroll to 12 blogs and selected mine to be one of them. I am indeed honored. When I went to his blog to thank him, I found the picture PLUS the blog site from the gentleman who took the photograph. I went to Michael Yon's Blog and was totally flabbergasted at the story behind the photograph. Michael Yon is a photographer par excellance and his blog DESERVES your regular attention. I'm adding his site to my blogroll and I urge you to visit both Michael Millers blog and Michael Yon's blog. It's Important.