April 24, 2005

Ter-ay-zuh Speaks, The Rest Of Us Yawn!

Eric Heyl writing in Pittsburgh Live notes that Teresa Heinz believes that were it not for the Catholic Church, she would be hanging new curtains in the White House.

Heyl quoting Heinz noted:

"You cannot have bishops in the pulpit -- long before or the Sunday before the election, as they did in Catholic churches -- saying it was a mortal sin to vote for John Kerry," she said. "The church has a right and obligation to teach values. They don't have a right to restrict freedom of expression, which they did."
Uh, Ter-ay-zuh, isn't that what they were doing, teaching the core values of their faith? Lets see now...
"Last summer, American bishops received a letter from the Vatican advising that Catholics who condone abortion are committing "a grave sin." ... "The letter was written by the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. At the time, that was a fellow named Ratzinger -- Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, named Tuesday by the College of Cardinals to succeed the late Pope John Paul II."
OK, I have it now Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI) said that condoning abortion was against the rules of the church and Roman Catholics who listened and voted their conscience violated voting rules by not voting for Kerry?

Gee Ter-ay-zuh, you don't suppose it had anything to do with your hubby's penchant for flip-floping do you? You don't suppose it had anything to do with his inability to connect with people do you? You don't suppose it had anything to do with him being noted for his initials JFK which many that knew him said stood for the phrase Just For Kerry do you? You don't think it had anything to do with "I don't fall down, that son-ov-a-b**** pushed me." do you? Lastly, you don't think it may have had anything to do with your foul mouth, condescending attitude and use of your money to lord it over "the little guy" that you purported to be for do you?

Nah, it couldn't have been any of those things, it had to be the church. Just had to be.

A tip of the Roper Chapeaux to Smarter Cop

Posted by GM Roper at April 24, 2005 11:51 AM | TrackBack

I'm pretty sure there's no written public note by any US Bishop or Vatican person saying that a vote for John Kerry is a mortal sin, though many probably say would say the general principal that "Catholics who condone abortion are committing a grave sin".

Note that earlier, Pope Benedict had said that it IS permissible to vote for a politician who supports abortion, for other reasons -- but voting for him BECAUSE he supports abortion would be sinful.

On the other hand, it's amusing to watch the "church of abortion" Dems, who excommunicate any pro-lifers, complain about restrictions on free expression.

Posted by Tom Grey - Liberty Dad at April 25, 2005 02:23 AM

Count me among the agnostic and wayward Catholic sheep - I'm just not religious and religion is not part of my life.

But I am endlessly amused by the sort of stuff that, in this example, Ms. Heinz is spouting:

John Kerry is courageous because he stands up for what he believes, even when it contradicts the teachings of his Church, of which he claims to be a member? And it is a violation of his free speech rights when this same Church seeks to hold him accountable for his actions that violate their fundamental teachings - but not in the public square somewhere, but rather in the administration of their own sacraments?

Man oh man, I am just not smart enough or clever enough or nuanced enough to be able to understand how all that works.
Keep working at it TMS... I'm sure you will find your way. ;-)

Posted by too many steves at April 25, 2005 08:03 AM

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