April 12, 2005
King Of The Blogs - The Last Coronation
For the third and final competition I was lucky enough to be crowned King of the Blogs. It wasn't easy, as in prior contests, this was one tough set of competetors and minor errors carried the day more than my efforts such as they were. I think I just made fewer errors. The two other sites, Jaded Sunburns and He Says-She Says have beautiful sites and their writing is top rate. I'm glad they were competetors and I hope that both blogs will continue in the competition. These are good people so go visit them often. I especially want to thank the Judges, Ogre, Smarter Cop and Songstress for all the work they put in on this contest week, after week, after week. They are fair, impartial and always give great tips to make your blog better. Thanks too to Nick Queen and Christweb for their efforts and of course the King of Fools as the Commissioner. Thanks to all my supporters and the great folk that linked back for me as well. And now dear readers, the dynasty sign goes on the sidebar and I retire to enjoy other kingly activities. Cheers.
U Da man!
Er, uh, I mean, All Hail the KING!!
Sorry. My excitement over your success got away from me there for a minute.
May I please be "foreign minister?"
Foreign to what? Normality? ;-)
Posted by HB at April 12, 2005 04:04 PM
I voted and I voted and I voted. Of course, the real deal is that you are a great writer with clear insights in to many things. What you write is not just entertainment, but also worthy of thought. So, it is much more than a trifle to receive this honour. Or was it a truffle? Ah, I must end with a grin.
Posted by tad at April 13, 2005 07:13 AM
CONGRATS to the KING! ;-)
Had my internet service not died on me so early on, I would have given you more of a run for your money! However, I do believe in the end the best man still would have won, as you do deserve it!
I feel honored to have been recognized in such a presence as yours and I feel lucky to have found a blog read that is so well done!
Maybe one of these days I'll be able to find myself sitting opposite your greatness as your equal.
I will be a continued reader, that's for sure! ;-)
Posted by Jade at April 15, 2005 03:30 PM