April 04, 2005
King of the Blogs- Once More Into The Fray
Once again I run for King of the Blogs. This will be the second time I have to defend my crown and believe me, the competition is TOUGH! It's a good thing I'm a calm and cool and collected Monarch, Otherwise I'd be sweating like crazy.
This much is sure, I'll put my heart into the third time and with luck and the good graces of those wonderful, marvelous, intelligent and oh-so-witty judges Ogre, Songstress and Smarter Cop, I'll once
again be crowned. Then I can retire and put on my side bar. Now, to help me get there, please go to the King of the Blogs site and on the left hand side you'll see a place to vote for me. Click on GM's Corner and go back every three or four hours and do it again (if you live in Chicago, this should be easy for you - kidding Chicagoans just kidding!) If you are a fellow blogger, please link to the KOTB page with a trackback and support me. The KotB page is here and the trackback code if you need to do it manually is: http://blog.mu.nu/cgi/mt-tb.cgi/73718
Thanks for all of your support.
George III, King of the Blogs
I dunno; the Llama song is great, really. What about the fat kid with Numa Numa; and how about Second Term on JibJab?
(And why don't I mention them on MY blog? I dunno ... deja vu.)
Posted by Tom Grey - Liberty Dad at April 5, 2005 09:53 AM
Now I'm confused. No, it isn't my fault. As an emperor is higher in the royalty pecking order than a king, why does the KotB contest visual on your front page show the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France? French Empire . . . that's rich, huh? I'm not nitpicking here, just looking for enlightenment. I would, however, love to see a visual of the Duck offering fealty to the King . . .
The KotB folks put up the painting of Bonaparte because they couldn't find a portrait of me. Moi being a very private person of course..... heh!
Posted by HB at April 5, 2005 11:14 AM