March 22, 2005
Grand Theft - Gnome
I never thought I'd see the day when Nick Queen of King Of The Blogs Fame (Hey,I'm the current Monarch - All Hail Me!) would steal a Gnome from a friend no less. But the evidence is incontrovertable. He admits it on his blog. Now, in the interests of making sure that Nick doesn't overly pay for the crime of Grand Theft Gnome, I've taken the liberty of cloning the Gnome without the use of Stem Cells (a secret I'm not willing to divulge at this time) and placed him at the bottom of my blogg rolling stuff. There he can safely reside while I tour Texas with him. And As proof that I've really rescued him. Here he is:

Update: Apparantly Ogre at Ogre's Politics and Views had the same idea as I did but just a few minutes apart..... hmmmmm? Great Minds Think Alike? (yes, that was cajolery)
Another Update: Jeremy at American Warmonger Stole my Gnome and took him out for a colorization. Ordinarily, I would consider this an affront but as Jeremy once noted, flattery is the most sincere form of flattery. Or something like that. At any rate, he was able to get Gnome fellow into a beauty shoppe and habadasher's but didn't check up on all of his Gnomery History. Had he done that, he would note that Gnomes Hats are ALWAYS RED and their beards are ALWAYS WHITE! It's the Law!!!!! Jeremy even has a photograph of our Gnome's older (alcoholic) brother Bartholomew pasted below our Gnome. Sigh, the depths that some bloggers will sink to.
Another Update: Songstress of News From the Great Beyond is also in possession of a stolen Gnome, but the plain kind, not the colorized version. Seems, our intreped Gnome is really getting around.
Another Update: Smiling Dynamite apparantly stole Gnaughty Gnome. Is it possibly Fred's sister? There is a resemblence. At anyrate, Gnaughty was rather disheveled wearing tacky heels and needed a bath. I provided both and from the photos of before and after, you decide if she looks all that Gnaughty.
Here she is before:
And here she is after:
I report, you deride.
At the risk of bringing you bad tidings, I should point out that a gnome is a mythical creature characterized by small stature and living underground. According to Paracelsus, gnomes are the most important of the elemental spirits of earth. He reported that they move as easily through the earth as humans walk upon the ground, but he made no mention of blogs. I am also concerned about the symbol because according to legend, the sun's rays turn gnomes into stone. It is also interesting to note that the king of the gnomes is called (ready for this?) --- Gob, and it is rumored that they spend the daytime as toads. Toads. Ugh.
So my question is --- have you really thought out this "gnome" thing? Have you considered, as an alternative, pixies or fairies?
Just trying to be helpful, GM.
VR Gnomes are not susceptable to the suns rays and seldom morph into toads without the assistance of photoshop. :-)
Posted by HB at March 22, 2005 03:11 PM