February 26, 2005

Blogs Recently Discovered

The other day, I was surfing among the blogs I have posted to the right and went to Crossing the Rubicon2 - The blog of Susie Housecoat

Now, Crossing is one of my newer favorites, in fact, it's the object of my "Newly Discovered Blog" features. The author, Susie Housecoat, let's call her "Susie" is a former nurse (still?) who is from the New York area now living some 20+ years in the northern Virginia area. She is married to a former Rhode Islander and seems to have thrived living down south as it were. Her blog is fun to read with little snippits of humor, whimsy and occasional seriousness. Susie writes with her heart, and that is as it should be. But, Susie is wellllllll, I'll let you decide. The other day, when I last visited she had this photo up


Nice close-up isn't it? Really, really, really close! And I must admit, it's a nice eye, even Mark, one of her commenters noted it. (Mark is observant that way you know). Mark asked to see "the rest of her" (Susie Housecoat that is) Now, Mark too is a blogger at AuTerrific. (What? Do you bloggers just go around all day and post on each others' blogs? -ed. -- Why not? It keeps us off of the streets!)

Susie, being obliging put up her full photo in an alluring and fetching, if somewhat old fashion outfit. I think that I won't say more, I'll merely report, you decide.


Seriously folks, Crossing the Rubicon2 is a great blog and I hope you visit it often.

Posted by GM Roper at February 26, 2005 04:13 PM | TrackBack

If you've got it, flaunt it, I always say. Thanks for the nice words about my blog. I have been enjoying yours as well. : )

Posted by Gail at February 26, 2005 09:57 PM

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