February 23, 2005

Ted Rall - Pusillanimous Projector of Putrid Punditry

day by day.JPG
Cartoon courtesy of Day By Day by the inestimable Chris Muir

Ted Rall is ranting, again! So, what else is news?

Rall takes on Captains Quarters author Ed Morrissey who responds back with far more wit and verve than a troglodyte like Rall deserves.

Rall states that Morrissey isn't qualified to be the "new sheriff in town" because he manages a call center in Minneapolis;

"Bloggers want you to know that there's a new sheriff in town. Edward Morrissey, writer of the right-wing blog Captain's Quarters, boasts to the New York Times: "The media can't just cover up the truth and expect to get away with it--and journalists can't just toss around allegations without substantiation and expect people to believe them anymore." And what are Morrissey's qualifications to police the media? When he's not harassing old-school journos like Dan Rather and CNN's Eason Jordan out of their jobs, Morrissey manages a call center near Minneapolis."
Of course, we right wing, knuckle dragging, Neanderthals have folk that do research and step up to the plate with facts, something that some folk like Rall are reluctant to do (Eason Jordan or Dan "What's the Frequency Kenneth" Rather come to mind anyone?). John Henke of QandO blog reports that Rall's qualifications include graduating from highschool and having a Bachelors degree in History (Oh, yeah, that is a big qualifier!) and a certain talent with a pencil (he actually said crayon's - ed.). Rall on the other hand notes: "Bloggers are ordinary people, many of them uneducated and with nothing interesting to say." Well, MISTER Rall, let's see, this is a NEW blog (since January of 2005 here and a two month experiment at Blogspot) and I have moved from somewhere around 9000th place in the TTLB ecosystem to around 1500 in that short 1.05 months so, at least SOME people must like what I have to say. As far as being "uneducated" to add to that MISTER Rall, I have a Bachelors degree, a Masters degree and some 30 hours graduate work beyond the Masters. Do YOU?

Rall calls bloggers "ordinary people, many of them uneducated" Well now, some on the right have called some on the left elite and effete. That seems to fit. Does Rall REALLY believe that only "extra-ordinary" people have a right to blog? That ordinary people aren't protected under the 1st Amendment and that therefore they MUST keep their worthless mouths shut?

The GALL of RALL is astounding. He represents the absolute worst of thinking in this world. He calls right leaning bloggers the "New McCarthyism." Well, isn't that special? Lets see, Joseph "Tail Gunner Joe" McCarthy was famous for "branding" communists publicly with an implication, at least, that they were both un-American and had no place in any public discourse (and to the extent that anyone who was a communist who actively planned the overthrow of the US I would agree with McCarthy - to the extent that anyone in this country has an absolute freedom of thought, McCarthy was a jerk and an ass - that was pretty inelegantly stated. - ed. I know, but I'm in a hurry this morning.) So, Rall, by branding a group as "McCarthyists" is not doing the same thing? Smarter folks than I will have to expound on that thought.

In closing, my Fellow Americans" let me just say, Ted Rall is an ass, a left wing ass, an expounder of falsehoods and half truths who doesn't know his absolute right to freedom of speech isn't balanced by our absolute freedom of speech to call him on his "Putrid Punditry."

Dr. Cole at FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog perhaps has the best note of all: "Ted Rall should talk (remember people who live in glass houses.... something about throwing stones)." Oh, and I guess that Dr. Cole being merely a possessor of a Doctorate qualifies too as an "uneducated" blogger.

Mr. Rall is hereby placed in GM's Corner as a bad boy, a very bad boy, for an indefinite period of time.

UPDATE: It occurred to me to include Chris Muir's cartoon about Rall's work. Damon has it right, Rall is indeed laughable, and not even funny.

Posted by GM Roper at February 23, 2005 07:10 AM | TrackBack

Nicely said GM. I wonder, is Ted Rall even a "Journalist"? Seriously, he draws pictures. Does he meet the standard he seemingly sets in his own oped piece? I think not.

P.S. I like your blog. I like your comments over at Marc's place. I like your sense of perspective and humor. Keep up the good work.

Posted by too many steves at February 23, 2005 11:54 PM


Thanks for the link!

Posted by Flap at February 28, 2005 12:13 AM

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