January 30, 2005
An Election Like No Other and Kerry Makes An Ass Of Himself
Salah al-Din Rasheed / Reuters
Kurds celebrating the first election in Iraq.
The MSM is almost beside themselves. Turnout is better than expected in many areas where terrorism had promised a low turnout. People across the country proudly give the terrorists the (purple) finger.
John Kerry, loser par excellence, noted: "It is hard to say that something is legitimate when whole portions of the country can't vote and doesn't vote..." Senator, are you a total ass? If large numbers of Afrikaners in South Africa had not voted, would you have said the same thing?
Further my dear Senator Kerry, only a few percentage points over half of our citizens elected to vote and we had no insurgents, no bombings, no hindrance of any kind. So, does that make our own recent elections illegitimate? Oh, wait, you think you should have won and that you would have except for all those damn red staters.
I'm waiting for Kerry to note to a group of folk "I actually opposed the election before I supported it." What a creep! Surely the Democrats aren't going to give this man another chance (Unless of course his Teh-Ray-Zuh buys it for him). Surely, the good folk of Massachusetts aren't going to return this man to the US Senate. Surely not!
NOTE:Blogging has been slow over the last week, I'm in the process of re-designing my blog. Please visit my old blog here for some of my previous postings
(Cross Posted from GM's Corner)
Posted by GM Roper at January 30, 2005 04:47 PM | TrackBack